A blog about the end of one journey and the beginning of another.

The end of one journey, the beginning of another. That’s what this blog is about. It’s about the new beginnings that life offers us, but it’s also a blog about endings.

The good news is that what’s holding you back, what’s stopping you from taking the first step, isn’t your fault. It’s not because you aren’t strong or brave enough or because you can’t muster up the courage to take a chance. The thing that’s getting in your way is fear. Plain and simple.



New beginnings are the start of something new; either for yourself or for others. It can be the opportunity to make a change, to start over, to restart, or simply to try something different.

The meaning of New Beginning is not always the same for everyone. For some, it means a fresh start or a new beginning. For others, it means moving on from something that they’ve been used to. Some people may also use the term as a way to mend an old friendship or reconnect with an acquaintance that they had lost contact with. For some people, it also means a fresh start or a new beginning in life. A fresh start is something that can clear out all the bad memories and start something new.

To be given a New Beginning is to let go of the past and whatever old problems one had. It is also a way to start fresh in life. To have a New Beginning is to have a happy future. It means that one has already let go of the past and is ready to move on. To be given a New Beginning is to have hope for the future.


We need endings in order to appreciate the new beginning. So when we are in the midst of finishing up one thing, it is always important to embrace the joy of starting something new. It doesn’t matter if it’s a relationship, a project, or anything else. When we start something new, we are filled with hope and excitement to make our intentions a reality. We look forward to the future while forgetting about the past. We sacrifice our time, energy, and resources to make it happen. Sometimes, things don’t work out as expected, but that doesn’t mean our efforts should go unnoticed. As hard as endings are for us individually, they are necessary for growth. So while we are not ready to leave the past behind, we need to let it go in order to embrace the future.

“It is the nature of life to be reborn, to live and die, to borrow and return. Things will always end.” – Author Unknown.


We all get disappointed when things don’t turn out the way we expect them to. We may feel anger, resentment, or bitterness. No one wants to live with these feelings in their hearts. When you have an ending that’s disappointing, give yourself some time to work through your emotions. It’s important to find peace before life moves on. Life is full of disappointments. But, the more you live, the more you learn to love and cherish the moments that do not turn out as expected. After all, if you can’t handle a little disappointment, then it means that you’re not living on the edge. Don’t expect life to be like a Disney movie. The prince and princess always get their happy ending. But, reality is not as nice and neat . If you want a happy ending, then you have to make it happen. Go after what you want and work hard. Don’t expect an easy ride. Take the good with the bad. You will still have to deal with everything life throws at you. But, it’s all worth it in the end. So, disappointed in life? When you are disappointed in life, it’s easy to lose out on all the good things that happen.


We can’t change what has happened in the past, but we have the power to accept what is happening now. We can learn from it and use it as a stepping stone to move forward. Dwelling on the past only brings us down and keeps us from being at peace with ourselves. If you’re reading this blog, chances are that you’ve been struggling with a problem for a while now. You might have tried everything to fix it, but nothing seems to work. The thing is, you can’t force change. It’s not going to magically happen the second you want it to. That being said, trying new things will help lighten your load and even uncover other problems that need fixing. If you’re willing to change, everything will fall into place.
I don’t know where I got this from, but it’s resonating with me right now; “It’s not always easy to do what you need to do, but it’s worth it”.

You’re only living once, so make the best of it and live the life you want to live. Wanting to change something that’s not working for you is not a bad thing, and it’s not selfish. If you’re not happy with your life, do something about it.Life is all about perspective. Sometimes it’s hard to see the good things if we’re always looking at the bad, or thinking about all the things that are wrong with how things are.


The first time I ever heard the phrase “never say goodbye until you have to” was during a commencement speech. It’s a beautiful message that I think is so important to live by. When you know it’s time for something to end or someone to go, always let them leave with love and an open heart. Be gentle with yourself on the other side of the goodbye, because it will still hurt no matter how many times you say it.


Getting into the new year, many of us reflect on the past year and what it has meant for us. We are often reminded that life is short, so it’s time to start living. Maybe you have made some resolutions to cut back on unhealthy habits or to spend more time with loved ones. Hopefully, you have made plans for what you want to accomplish in the coming year.

The beauty of the New Year is that these are all new beginnings. The end of the year is always a bittersweet time for most people. The knowledge that another year has passed brings with it high anticipation for the coming new year, but also a sense of loss. No matter how you feel about the end of the year, I think it’s important to reflect on what happened in the last 12 months and evaluate whether or not this is really something you hope will continue next year.

Looking at the past year, identify those things that you want to keep doing and try to do them more often. And then, identify those things that you wish you’d done more often or that you want to stop doing altogether. Write these lists down and ponder them so you’re able to make significant changes in your life once the new year hits.


We all lost so much last year, whether it was personal relationships, money, health, or hope. Remembering our losses is worth the pain because it reminds us of how far we’ve come and how far we still have to go.  This year, we must remember our losses and also remember that we are still here. We can’t dwell on what happened last year, but rather we must look ahead to what is yet to come.

We must acknowledge the pain we felt last year, but also realize that because we made it through, we are stronger than ever.   Last year was hard, but with the help of others and our own inner strength, we will all make it through.  The key to making it through the bad times is to never give up.  We all have the ability to persevere, to survive and thrive even in the most difficult of circumstances.  We must hold on to hope and never let it go, for then we will truly be lost forever.


We all have our fair share of stress and struggle in life. It can be hard to find peace and contentment when we feel like we’re losing the fight. But there is always something to be grateful for, even if it’s not what you were expecting. It may not be an easy journey finding that one thing that’s weighing on your heart, but once you do it will become your most treasured possession.

“Be grateful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” -Oprah Winfrey


The new year is here, and it’s time to start fresh. We all have things that we want to change in our lives, and the best way to do that is to start with a clean slate. This year, let’s work at being better people, making more positive choices, and giving back.

There are also certain things that you can do to make this year different from last year. For example, instead of making resolutions for one month out of the whole year, why not make them for each month? Instead of making goals that are unattainable, aim for small victories instead. Whether this is your first new year or your tenth one, it’s never too late to start fresh!

This is to New Beginnings… Welcome to 2022.


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